
Modern digital cameras attached to the Motic AE2000 inverted microscope using LM adapter solutions
Zeiss Axiovert 200 – inverted microscopy at the highest level with digital system cameras and DSLR
Nikon Eclipse TE 200/TE300 - inverted infinity-corrected microscopes
Research microscope Olympus CKX41 - adapter solutions for DSLR and mirrorless system cameras
The Leica DMi8 an inverted microscope featuring a modular design
LM digital adapters thrust the Reichert-Jung ME3 inverted research microscope into the modern era
With the help of LM Digital adapter the inverse Nikon Eclipse MA100 and MA200 microscope become fit for photomicrography
The Nikon ECLIPSE Ts2: combined with our LM microscope adapters, it also excels in photomicrography
Olympus CKX53 an inverted microscope for live cell applications
Zeiss Axio Observer: one of the best inverted microscope systems around
The Leica DM IL: an inverted microscope that excels in many areas
High-end adapter with integrated precision optics: Modern digital microscope cameras on the Olympus IX50 / IX70
High-end adapter with integrated precision optics: Modern digital microscope cameras on the Olympus IX2 - IX51, IX71 and IX81 series
The Olympus IX3 series: vivid photomicrography at the highest level
The Nikon Eclipse TS100: exceptionally versatile with great image quality and a broad range of accessories
Enhancing the Leica DM IRB for photomicrography
Zeiss Axiovert A1 photomicrography with currend DSLR- and systemcameras
Equipping Zeiss Axiovert 10 (35 /35M / 405M) with LM digital adapters for photomicrography
Upgrading the Nikon Diaphot 300/200 with modern digital camera systems (DSLR, system or C-mount cameras)
Connecting modern digital cameras to the Zeiss Primo Vert inverted microscope

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