Mounting medium for microscopy
Water solved, neutral, permanent mounting medium for general microscopy in which natural, non-dehydrogenable objects are excellently durable. |
Directly transferable from water, buffer solutions, alcohol, glycerol, cellosolve, DMSO etc. |
Ideal for immune-histochemistry, especially for slide preparations stained by immune peroxydase or immune-alcaline phosphatase, as well as preparations stained in chromogens which are soluble in organic solvents (PAS, DABI, AEC, BCIP/INT, BCIP, NBT, AS-MX, FastRed TR) |
highly liquid |
not darkening |
Outstanding also for silver and gold colouring, haematoxiline, carmine, alizarine and fat colouring. |
non-polluting |
fast solidifying and drying |
water-washable, non-toxic |
particularly also recommendable for school and student practical courses. |